Studio Updates —

Studio updates.


The portfolios on this web page range over a long period of time. I work in many directions simultaneously and over various lengths of time. So you will find that some of these portfolios overlap, with an occasional photo appearing in more than one of them. Many of the images could easily be in one portfolio or another or in several of them. The titles and groupings are only to give a kind of coherence and to suggest the broad ideas I am working with and many of the photos are there in a metaphorical sense rather than literally.

Flow was a series done in the summer of 2010 in the small river under my house. My family were the main models.

Transient Narratives is a series done in the late 1990's up to 2006. It was work created mostly in cities when i was travelling a great deal. Several photos are combined to form single images with a  short circuited narrative sense,  as in a dream.

Oracle was made more or less at the same time, but where the individual photo was more suggestive.

The 4 Realms, Earth, Air, Fire and Water where most of my images lie. The fifth realm being time, the mother of us, and especially of photography, for all photographs are made through and take place in time. The photos cover a large period of time, most being made in recent years but some, the black and white double images, coming from as far back as the late 1970's and the early 1980's.

A Book of Hands is about hands! These images were taken over many years, and have in common a sense of the importance and significance of hands and their gestures.

Night Raga are images from several trips made in India. The night or darkness is a particularly beautiful time for light, not at all an absence of light, but rather a kind of intense spectral luminosity. Darkness seemingly separates but at the same time blends us and the world together.

Finally I have found beauty is getting closer to the world, getting closer to the skin. Trying to get under the skin to feel the nerves and blood moving, both of us and the physical world.

stephen roach